Category: ARTICLES


The Aesthetics of Animal Companions


Donate to CA The free access to this article was made possible by support from readers like you. Please consider donating any amount to help defray the cost of our operation.   The Aesthetics of Animal Companions Samantha Vice   Abstract In the philosophical aesthetics literature, domestic animals, and in particular companion animals or pets, […]


Aesthetic Value and Gardens


Donate to CA The free access to this article was made possible by support from readers like you. Please consider donating any amount to help defray the cost of our operation. Aesthetic Value and Gardens David Fenner   Abstract Gardens as an aesthetic form rank high for their capacity to engage aesthetic attenders fully. ‘Full […]


Properness and Pluralism in Functional Beauty


Donate to CA The free access to this article was made possible by support from readers like you. Please consider donating any amount to help defray the cost of our operation. Properness and Pluralism in Functional Beauty   Ryan Mitchell Wittingslow   Abstract In their 2008 monograph, Functional Beauty, Glenn Parsons and Allen Carlson develop […]


Enlivening and Deadening Green and Gray Spaces: an exploration of Christopher Alexander’s features of living design


Donate to CA The free access to this article was made possible by support from readers like you. Please consider donating any amount to help defray the cost of our operation. Enlivening and Deadening Green and Gray Spaces: an exploration of Christopher Alexander’s features of living design Isis Brook   Abstract The evidence that green […]