
Aesthetics and Philosophy Links

Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education
ACT, the refereed journal of the MayDay Group

Aesthetics Bulletin
Published by the Philosophy of Art Studies Program of the Philosophical Resarch Center (Buenos Aires)

Aesthetics for Birds

Aesthetics On Line
Homepage of the American Society for Aesthetics (ASA)

Aesthetics Research Lab

Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology

Applied Neuroaesthetics

British Society of Aesthetics’ Postgraduate Journal
of Aesthetics

The Brooklyn Rail

Evental Aesthetics

The Feminist Institute

International Association for Aesthetics

International Association for Empirical Aesthetics

International Institute of Applied Aesthetics

International Lexicon of Aesthetics

International Network for Neuroaesthetics

Senses of Cinema


VoCA: Voices in Contemporary Art


American Society for Aesthetics

Brazilian Society For Aesthetics
(Associão Brasileira De Estética)

British Society of Aesthetics

Canadian Society for Aesthetics

Euro-Asian International Aesthetics Association

European Society for Aesthetics

Finnish Society for Aesthetics
(Suomen Estetiikan Seura)

French Society of Aesthetics
(Société Française d’Esthétique)

German Society of Aesthetics
(Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Asthetik)

Hellenic Society for Aesthetics

Israeli Society for Aesthetics
(Ha’aguda Hayisraelit Le’aesthetica)

Italian Society for Aesthetics
(Societa Italiana d’Estetica)

Japanese Society for Aesthetics

Korean Society of Aesthetics

Latvian Society for Aesthetics

Lithuanian Society for Aesthetics
(Leituvos estetiku draugija)

Mexican Association for Aesthetic Studies
(Asociación Mexicana de Estudios en Estética)

Nordic Society of Aesthetics
(Nordiska sällskapet för estetik)

Polish Society of Aesthetics
(Polski Towarzystwo Estetyczne)

Russian Society for Aeshetics

SANART – Association of Aesthetics
and Visual Culture Turkey
(Sanart; Esthetik ve Görsel Kültür Dernegi)

Slovenian Society of Aesthetics
(Slovensko drustvo za estetiko)

Sydney Society of Literature and Aesthetics

Tunisian Society of Aesthetics
(L’Association Tunisienne d’Esthetique et de Poietique)