17 (2019)



Editorial The year 2018 and Volume 16 ushered in a new chapter for this journal with the change of editorship from Arnold Berleant to me, Yuriko Saito. I felt the weight of responsibility for maintaining the legacy built by Arnold. The learning curve was steep but the experience has been both rewarding and educational. With […]



Notices   CA welcomes notices of interest to our readers. These include announcements and reviews of conferences, news items, forthcoming events, etc. Please send them using the submission guidelines.   Call for Papers Pragmatist Legacies in Aesthetics Contact: Roberta Dreon (robdre@unive.it) Deadline: 1 September 2020 The 2020/2 issue of the open access EJPAP (European Journal […]

Recent Publications


Recent Publications Contemporary Aesthetics does not publish book reviews. However, to inform our readers of new publications of interest, we do publish brief descriptions extracted from information provided by the publishers. These notices do not necessarily represent the views or judgment of this journal. Readers are invited to send us such information about books they […]


Thresholds, Defaults, and Cosbys: A Response to Bartel


Thresholds, Defaults, and Cosbys: A Response to Bartel Jason Holt & Bernard Wills   Our piece, “Art by Jerks,” proved timely in two ways. Soon after its publication several celebrity scandals shook the entertainment industry–those involving Weinstein, Spacey, and C.K.–giving it a veneer of prescience.[1] It also thus served as a suitable foil for Christopher […]


Wangheng Chen’s Chinese Environmental Aesthetics


Wangheng Chen’s Chinese Environmental Aesthetics Arnold Berleant   Summary of Chinese Environmental Aesthetics by Wangheng Chen Wangheng Chen, Chinese Environmental Aesthetics, translated by Feng Su, edited by Gerald Cipriani (London and New York: Routledge, 2015), 212 pp. ISBN 9780815364276 Environmental aesthetics as a focus of philosophic inquiry first developed in the West in the second […]


Who Are We?


Who Are We? Jale Erzen   Summary of Who Are We? by Wolfgang Welsch Wolfgang Welsch, Wer Sind Wir? (Hamburg: Nap New Academic Press, 2018), 166 pp., in German. ISBN: 978-3-7003-2077-7; 9 780826 464637 Wolfgang Welsch’s new book of 166 pages, in German, traces the evolution of mankind and her relation to the earth throughout […]


Perception and World


Perception and World Wolfgang Welsch   Summary of Truth and World by Wolfgang Welsch Wolfgang Welsch, Wahrnehmung und Welt (Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2018), 76 pp., in German. ISBN 978-3-95757-605-7 The author presents the results of decades of his research on perception in summary form. First he clarifies the main point of the Aristotle’s theory […]


Charting New Territory: the Aesthetic Value of Artistic Visions That Emanate in the Aftermath of Severe Trauma


Charting New Territory: the Aesthetic Value of Artistic Visions That Emanate in the Aftermath of Severe Trauma Tania Love Abramson & Paul R. Abramson   We live in a world that fluently manufactures catastrophe. Though tragedy is deplorable, artistic imaginations encumbered by the configurations of adversity are nonetheless essential to how art is understood. Some […]


Duchamp and the Science of Art


Duchamp and the Science of Art Miklos Legrady   Postmodern art claims an intellectual foundation based on ideas proposed at the start of the 20th century, including a rejection of aesthetics by artist Marcel Duchamp and author Walter Benjamin. Today we can draw on readily available studies in the sciences of anthropology, sociology, and psychology […]


The Cosmography of Aesthetics


The Cosmography of Aesthetics Yrjö Sepänmaa   Summary of The Universe of Aesthetics: How to Understand Aesthetics in the 21st Century by Ossi Naukkarinen Ossi Naukkarinen, Estetiikan avaruus: Miten ymmärtää estetiikka 2000-luvulla? (Helsinki: Aalto ARTS Books, Aalto University, 2018), 223 pp., in Finnish. ISBN 978-952-60-7971-4 Ossi Naukkarinen, the first Professor of Aesthetics at Aalto University […]


Reconsidering Darkness


Reconsidering Darkness Matti Tainio   While a naturally dark night with starry skies is a paradigmatic example of the sublime, urban darkness has a different character. Generally speaking, true darkness hasn’t been present in most western cities since the 19th century. Contemporary urban night is not pitch-black due to illumination. Its darkness is incomplete because […]


First-Personal Body Aesthetics as Affirmations of Subjectivity


First-Personal Body Aesthetics as Affirmations of Subjectivity Madeline Martin-Seaver   Abstract This paper redirects some of the philosophical discussion of sexual objectification. Rather than contributing further to debates over what constitutes objectification and whether it is harmful, I argue that aesthetic experience is a useful tool for resisting objectification. Attending to our embodied experiences provides […]


Black Aesthetics and Relative Autonomy


Black Aesthetics and Relative Autonomy Michael Kelly   Abstract There has been a recent revival of black aesthetics unprecedented since the 1960s. Some is happening inside academic philosophy, including in this journal (Volume 7, 2009). But there are more examples of black esthetics across other disciplines. A key, controversial concept in transdisciplinary black aesthetics is […]


The Aesthetics of Financial Markets. Beyond Mere Representing and Supporting


The Aesthetic and Financial Markets. Beyond Mere Representing and Supporting Marcin M. Krawczyk   Abstract The aesthetic, according to Wolfgang Welsch, has several semantic variants. One of them is a phenomenalistic one. Referring to this variant, I show that the aesthetic is something more than a secondary component of electronic capital markets, which reflects what […]



Feet, Lines, Weather, Labyrinth: The Haptic Engagement as a Suggestion for an Ecological Aesthetics


Feet, Lines, Weather, Labyrinth: The Haptic Engagement as a Suggestion for an Ecological Aesthetics Nicola Perullo   Interaction is between; correspondence in-between -T. Ingold   Abstract In this paper I present a philosophical approach stemming from the general framework of ecological aesthetics, specifically defined here as a perceptual attitude that entails intimacy, engagement, participation, and […]


A Role for Empathy in Decolonizing Aesthetics: Unlikely Lessons from Roger Fry


A Role for Empathy in Decolonizing Aesthetics: Unlikely Lessons from Roger Fry Ivan Gaskell   Abstract Artist and art historian Roger Fry used Paul Gauguin’s 1896 painting, Poèmes barbares, to advertise his 1910 exhibition, Manet and the Post-Impressionists. In Vision and Design (1920), Fry promoted the so-called “primitive” art of Oceania and sub-Saharan Africa as […]



An Alternative to “Rules” in Practice Approaches to Distinguishing Art Kinds


An Alternative to “Rules” in Practice Approaches to Distinguishing Art Kinds Larry Shiner   Abstract Numerous contemporary philosophers have invoked the idea that art is best understood as a social practice in order to distinguish among art kinds or to distinguish Art from closely related practices such as Design. Many general accounts of social practices […]


In Defense of Cities: On Negative Presentation of Urban Areas in Environmental Preference Studies


In Defense of Cities: On Negative Presentation of Urban Areas in Environmental Preference Studies Anu Besson   Abstract This paper critiques a common research method, image-based studies, in assessing environmental references. The method is used, in particular, in the fields of environmental psychology, landscape studies, and health studies, here called empirical environmental preference studies or […]


Representation and Transparency in Artistic Astronomical Photographs


Representation and Transparency in Artistic Astronomical Photographs Stephen Chadwick   Abstract The development of astronomical photography has raised many interesting epistemological, metaphysical, and ethical questions, in addition to questions in aesthetics. One such question concerns the nature of the aesthetic properties possessed by these photographs. In this article I concentrate on one such property, namely […]